

Serenity for You
September 5, 2019

Back to School for Them, Back to Serenity for You

Summer is all about family time, especially with the kids out of school. As much as you love and cherish every moment with them, you’re ready to reclaim some downtime in September. When school’s back in session, take the opportunity to attend to your outdoor space!

Next Spring Starts Now
Fall is in the air, which means it’s time to winterize your landscape. Core aeration helps your lawn’s soil soak up nutrients, water, and oxygen by creating small holes to remove plugs or “cores” of thatch. The reason it needs to take place in fall is because soil generally performs poorly in New Jersey winters, increasing compaction and thatch buildup.

Pair core aeration with overseeding (planting new grass seed over existing turf) to fill areas of thinning turf so that your lawn appears fuller and greener. In addition to thicker grass, you will also see higher weed tolerance and insect resistance. Completing both core aeration and overseeding prior to the first freeze will help ensure your lawn is healthy and green come spring.

September: The Trickiest Season for Watering
When the seasons change, so should your watering techniques. After watering more frequently to account for the summer heat, you can probably guess that the cooler temperatures of fall will allow you to water less.

The part that makes September watering a little more “fluid” than other months is the transition from summer to fall. In New Jersey, September can easily consist of 90-degree days, 50-degree nights, and anything in between. Keep a close watch on the weather and water accordingly. Once the cooler temperatures take hold, you can expect to settle back into biweekly waterings for fall. As always, be sure to make each watering slow and thorough so that the roots receive nourishment.

Fall Landscape Design
Now, it’s time to get to the fun stuff. Lighting, accents, seasonal décor and, of course, foliage are just a few of the many ways to enhance your landscape in fall. See our favorite fall annuals and plant them any time between late summer and early fall for bright flowers and rustic colors. Want to love your landscape even more? Consider our other recommendations for the season’s best landscape investments.

Relax and Enjoy
Even the most enthusiastic DIYer can use some help with fall landscaping. Let High Tech bring your landscape to life for perhaps the most blissful season to be a New Jersey homeowner. Learn more about our residential landscaping in NJ.

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