
Know Your Plants

know your plants CatmintWalkersLow

Walker’s Low Catmint

Easygoing and long-blooming, Walker’s Low is one of the most commonly grown catmint varieties in home gardens. By easygoing, we mean that it can grow in just about any soil and sunlight with minimal maintenance. That said, the ideal spot for Walker’s Low is in full sun and dry surroundings.

The lovely lavender flowers of this catmint will show in early summer and last through the season. The plant is a little wider than it is tall, but no more than three feet in either direction at maturity. Use Walker’s Low to line pathways, or to complement other showy perennials.

Did You Know?
It’s not quite catnip, but close. Catmint and catnip are essentially the same plant, with catmint being the more ornamental of the two. If you want the neighborhood cats to visit and play in your garden, plant catnip. If you would rather they pass by with little interest, stick with catmint.

Other Fun Facts About Catmint

  • It is believed that the Ancient Romans cultivated catmint as an herbal tea in the town of Nepeti—perhaps the origin of catmint’s genus, Nepeta.
  • Walker’s Low is resistant to and will even repel most garden nuisances, including insects, deer and rabbits.
  • Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, however, do love catmint. With this wonderful plant, the pretty things come and the pests go!

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