
Know Your Plants



Everyone loves peonies! They’re as easy on the hands as they are on the eyes, meaning these colorful perennials require minimal care.

To enjoy a bright summer bloom likely starting in year two, situate peonies in full sun and well-drained soil. A peony plant can bring joy for a lifetime, blooming each summer for a century a more. This, all with just basic watering, fertilizing, and perhaps some fall pruning.

Did You Know?
On the traditional list of wedding anniversary flowers, peony represents the 12th anniversary.

Other Fun Facts About Peony

  • There are roughly 40 species and 6,500 cultivars of peonies.
  • In Greek mythology, Zeus turned Paeon into a peony (thus the plant name) to keep him safe from Asclepius.
  • In Chinese medicine, white peony root is used for many different purposes ranging from blood flow and estrogen to inflammation, mood, and even autoimmune disorders.
  • Some peonies, particularly pink ones, are blissfully fragrant. Try a peony perfume!

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