
Know Your Plants

green giant arborvitae

Green Giant Arborvitae

If you’re searching for a fast-growing tree to provide hedges or screening, the green giant arborvitae is a top pick. Also known as the Thuja Green Giant, this evergreen grows at an impressive pace of up to three feet per year, eventually reaching upward of 50 feet tall!

When high winds whip through New Jersey, your green giant(s) will stand strong and block debris from being tossed into your yard. The Thuja can also weather heavy rain, ice, sleet and snow. Plant green giant arborvitae(s) in a spot that receives at least four hours of direct sunlight per day. Use well-drained soil, and be sure to leave room for outward growth, which will reach up 20 feet at maturity.

Did You Know?

  • The word, “arborvitae” is derived from Latin, meaning “tree of life.” It is believed that arborvitaes are trees of life due to the medicinal qualities in their sap.

Other Fun Facts About Green Giant Arborvitae

  • The green giant is the fastest growing of all arborvitaes.
  • Thuja Green Giant trees are deer-resistant.
  • A Thuja Green Giant also makes a beautiful single specimen.
  • The foliage on a Thuja Green Giant will bronze slightly in winter.

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