
Know Your Plants

know your plants Begonia


With more than 1,800 species, the Begonia genus brings endless variety in the form of bright-colored flowers and ornamental foliage. These small flowering plants are incredibly easy to grow in warm weather, which is why New Jersey home gardeners choose to plant them ahead of the humid Mid-Atlantic summer. Some species can also be grown indoors during the cold weather months and moved outside in spring.

Because begonias are relatively compact—up to two feet tall, max—they are best presented in large quantities. Consider planting begonias along walkways or around the perimeter of your home. Be sure to use fertile, well-drained soil, and try to give the plants partial shade.

Did You Know?
Begonias are closely related to pumpkins, squash and melons.

Other Fun Facts About Begonia

  • Begonias can produce single or double blooms. Double blooms simply have extra petals.
  • One ounce of begonia seed can produce up to 3 million seedlings, making begonia seeds some of the smallest flower seeds in the world.
  • Begonia is monoecious, meaning it has male and female flowers on the same plant.
  • Begonias can grow as annuals or perennials.

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